Fanuc Macro Programming example macro programs
Custom Macro programming Fanuc and Mitsubishi examples
List of macro variables
Want to learn Macro programming? Check out the book below. Comes with CD and examples.

Mitsubishi / Fanuc Macro programming parameters to edit 9000's
- Fanuc macro edit on 16/18/21 & 16i/18i/21i-Parameter 3202 (NE9 will be above the proper bit #) (6079-6089 can be assigned an m-code or G code to call up the sub programs) (Parameter 6080=program #9020, 6081=9021, 6082=9022 ETC.)
- Mitsubishi Macro Edit 9000 programs change par.1121 to 0 , and check 1122 should be 0 to display them.
CNC parametric programming
Will be adding more information shortly. Please check back later.
In order to use this option on your machine you must have the custom macro B option from Fanuc.