1: LBL[1:Begining]; |
(Label to jump to ) |
2: UFRAME_NUM= 1; |
(Frame number similar to work coordinates) |
3: UTOOL_NUM= 1; |
(calls Tool number offset) |
4: J P[1:Perch] 50% CNT100 ; |
(jog to a recorded position at 50%)(CNT=round off going to point) |
5: RO[1]= ON; |
(turns on an output RO 1) |
6: RO[2]= OFF; |
(turns off an output RO 2) |
7: RO[3]= ON; |
(turns on an output RO 3) |
8: RO[4]= OFF; |
(turns off output RO 4) |
9: J P[9:Perch 2] 50% CNT100 ; |
(jog to a recorded position at 50%)(CNT= round off going through point /corner a certain amount) |
10: LBL[2:Pick Part]; |
(label to jump to from another part of program) |
11: $WAITTMOUT= 2000; |
(If waiting to long timeout) |
12: ; |
13: L P[2:Approch] 500mm/sec CNT100 ; |
(move in a straight line to the point at 500MM/sec roundig off corner) |
14: WAIT DI[2] = ON; |
(wait for an input DI2 to come on) |
15: ; |
16: ! R[15] is for the part style; |
Utilizing register 15 for part style |
17: IF R[15] = 1 , JMP LBL[3]; |
If register 15 is a 1 (some part style) jump to label 3 |
18: IF R[15] = 2 , JMP LBL[4]; |
If register 15 is a 2 (some part style) jump to label 4 |
19: PAUSE; |
20: ABORT; |
If no part style selected abort program |
21: ; |
22: LBL[3:Pick Part#1]; |
Pick part style #1 |
23: L P[11] 100mm/sec FINE ; |
L=move in a straight line to a recorded position at a specific speed |
24: ; |
25: JMP LBL[5]; |
jump over part style #2 to label 5 |
26: LBL[4:Pick Part#2]; |
Pick part style #2 |
27: L P[12] 100mm/sec FINE ; |
L=move in a straight line to a recorded position at a specific speed |
28: ; |
29: LBL[5:Continue]; |
label 5 |
Call subprogram to close gripper |
31: L P[8:Depart Out] 100mm/sec CNT100 ; |
move in a straight line to depart position point |
32: IF DI[2] = ON , JMP LBL[98]; |
If the input Digital input #2(somthing with conveyor) is on jump to label 98 problem with conveyor |
33: ; |
34: LBL[6:Continue]; |
label 6 |
35: J P[1:Perch] 50% CNT100 ; |
move to recorded position the fastest posible way using joint moves |
36: JMP LBL[99]; |
jump to label 99 |
37: ;
38: ; |
39: LBL[98:Conveyor problem present]; |
conveyor problem was present |
40: macro_119; |
run macro program |
41: DO[14]= OFF; |
Turn digital output #14 off |
42: DO[16]= ON; |
Turn digital output #14 on |
43: MESSAGE[Alarm indicating]; |
Message with the said text displayed |
44: MESSAGE[Dropped part]; |
Message with the said text displayed |
45: MESSAGE[Remedy- check sensor]; |
Message with the said text displayed |
46: PAUSE; |
47: JMP LBL[6]; |
Jump to label #6 |
48: ; |
49: LBL[99:End] |
label 99 |
50: J P[2:"Approch"] |
joint move to recorded position #2 commented as an approach point |
51: J P[1:"Perch"] |
joint move to recorded position #1 commented as perch point |
/END |
End of program |