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Emergency stop alarms and how to troubleshooting machine Estop conditions

Machine Emergency stop checks and troubleshooting?

  1. Check that the conveyor is plugged in and check the cable for damage. Often this occurs right after cleaning the coolant tank. If there is no conveyor check to make sure the dummy plug is connected in its place.

  2. Push in and Pull out all emergency stops. Make sure you check conveyor, Gantry, high pressure unit and barfeeder and for any fuses blown in electrical cabinet.

  3. Are any axes near the overtravels? Some machines have hard over travel switches that throw the machine into Emergency stop state. Turn ballscrews by hand to move away or find switches and see if they are made. All axes usually will contain them and they will all be wired in series in the estop string or interlock module.

  4. Check door interlock module or any other interlock modules in electrical cabinet. Sometimes fuses are mounted under the covers or in the face. Make sure at least one LED is lit on them which usually says power or something.

  5. Check all your power supplies. If you find one of the LEDs are dim or off try removing the wires from it and see if the led changes if it does you have a short. Refer to procedure below for troubleshooting shorts.

  6. Worst case scenario follow the E-stop string in the electrical prints. It will be a series circuit, all you have to do is follow this down with a meter and find out were the voltage is not. This is usually a very easy thing to do even for a novice maintenance person. Hardest part is finding it in the electrical book and the points.

  7. There also could be a short somewhere drawing the voltage down in the estop string. Please see

    Troubleshooting Electrical Shorts.